第9版本的I-485綠卡攻略電子書出爐囉 (含最新申請費用)!
感謝大家的熱烈響應,今日支付$16.50即可下載電子書, 這費用會讓我能夠繼續更新我的部落格給大家最新的綠卡申請資訊,真心感謝所有讀者的支持。*這裡所有內文及材料僅是我個人經驗和想法分享,並非提供正式法律建議,需要請諮詢專業人士!
- 清楚的綠卡申請步驟
- 所有有關綠卡申請需要的資訊整合在一個檔案裡
- 申請該注意的事項幫你減少被政府拒絕的機率!
- 很容易能夠打印出來做記號的PDF檔案
- 平均時間表和我的真實時間表
- 6個Cover Letter模板 (PDF)
- 我個人真實的面試經驗
- 最後檢查列表
- 移民局最新費用更新 - NEW!
- 常見問題和答案
- 如何彙整文件的檔案
"We were so lost in searches when we started our green card application process until we saw your ebook and cover letter samples. These materials really did make things so much easier! Definitely worth it!" - Ted, October 2024.
"剛好看見你的網站有最新的綠卡申請指南, 太幸運了! 還好有簡單的步驟可以跟隨, 把複雜的過程簡單化很多,感謝再感謝!" - Peggy, September 2024
"去年八月時曾經購買了您的電子書,也向您詢問了一些疑問。最後我們在11月提出了境內調整身分的申請, 並在昨天取得了綠卡(條件式)。非常感謝您當初的協助!真的非常感謝!" - Wendy, April 2023
"當初準備綠卡時一頭霧水又覺得律師費好貴 花費不起, 偶然看到您的部落格, 跟你買了電子檔, 覺得內容很有邏輯, 也照著裡面的資訊準備送件, 就在今天終於告一段落了, 非常謝謝您的電子檔幫了我很大的忙, 也謝謝你也回答了我很多疑問, 衷心感謝!" - Chia yi, July, 2022
"早上8點收到通知, “New Card is Being Produced”, 很謝謝最初提供電子書購買平台的葛媽,和在社團內的分享。" - Ariel, Feb, 2022"謝謝您的電子書讓我對自己申請綠卡增加了很多信心。" - Irene,Jan. 2021
"谢谢Evy的帮助,1-485电子书里的内容详实细腻,真的很棒" - Ruth, June 2020
"This group helped me successfully put an application together. Thanks Evy for the template, the officer today said its a well organized application and there is literally no questions he had for me except those i485 yes/no questions. Interview was over in 5 mins. Field office: SJC." - Prashanth T., September 2021
"Thank you so much! Your ebook is amazing!! I had no idea how to start to prepare it until I saw your blog;)" Ishan, August 2021
"This is so incredibly helpful! I got to the point where I started trying to organize everything, and wasn't satisfied with anything I found online until I found your site" Joe, Feb. 2021
"I am delighted to find your blog during my own Green Card Application Endeavor. Thank you for your time, passion and willingness to help those of us, who is also starting this journey!
The information your provided is very helpful! For me the hardest was (and still is) how to proper organize such an amount of forms and documents, I was terrified with piles of all these papers and before reading your blog could not even imagine, how to put all of them together to present to USCIS. Now it feels doable and I don’t blame myself anymore for siting on all these forms, collecting, scanning and printing documents for almost 2 month so far. Thank you! " - Maria, Feb. 2021
"Thank you for doing this amazing blog! It really helped me and spouse through the filing process" - Yan, Jan, 2021
"Thank you so much ! Thank you for all the research you do . I found your blog by researching questions and when I saw you have an ebook I thought I would need an extra help ! Attorneys are so expensive.. Thank you have a good day !! " - Vero M. Oct. 2020
"The book makes it very easy to follow and avoid mistakes. I really appreciate it. We are about to send our application soon. Will let you know how it turns out!" - Oliva W., June 2020
"I purchased your templates before and I see that you published the ebook. The templates had helped me tremendously! Can I have the ebook please? Thank you again!" - Steve N., May 2020
不客氣! 感謝你的支持讓我有動力繼續維持更新! I-94是必須要交的,現在都是線上化了,你可以上網去查詢:https://i94.cbp.dhs.gov/I94/#/recent-search
刪除You're welcome! Good luck!
刪除您好, 首先謝謝您整理的資料, 這陣子都在部落格上看,詳細又完整!
回覆刪除但是剛剛以paypal購買此電子書, 下載下來後卻無法打開檔案(電腦可以讀pdf)
哈囉! 電子書是一般的PDF檔案喔!如果是下載有問題 可以email我直接傳給你 謝謝!
刪除您好!我想應該是下載的問題 那我再直接寄信給您~謝謝
回覆刪除模板是cover letter的部分喔! 不是表格填寫範例