綠卡申請I-485材料清單(Cover Letter 模板)
在綠卡申請文件裡附上Cover Letter能夠幫助你彙整資料,並且能夠使審核的人員更容易審查所有重要的資料,利用下面的連結來下載我的Cover Letter範例:*這裡所有內文及材料僅是我個人經驗和想法分享,並非提供正式法律建議,需要請諮詢專業人士!
"我早先從你的文章中有看到需要I-944, 你的部落格我看了非常多次! 謝謝你的資訊" - Jessica L.
"我近期在準備Adjustment of Status的文件,並在網路上看到您提供的文章,內容非常清楚, 對我幫助很大, 想在這裡特別感謝您, 並詢問是否能索取模板"- Eve L.
"你的部落格是我看過最仔細完整的文章分享, 真的很謝謝你的提供" - - Emily H.
"I just submitted my green card application a few weeks ago – the check was just cashed so I’m hopeful this means I’ll receive my I-797 soon! Your blog was very helpful in the preparation process, and the cover letters were a great template to begin working from!" - Michelle Z.
"Hi I'm about to file AOS myself and your blog is super helpful, initially I did not want to pay for the templates but seeing that you do such a good service to others in sharing your tips, I thought I'd like to support you by purchasing the cover letters. Keep up the great work!" - S. K.
"Your blog is so helpful wow! I wish I saw this before I did my stuff it would be so much easier." By Nneka B.
"Your post is awesome, I’m starting to put all the info and forms together and your post made it so much easier! Thanks." By V.C.
"Thank you so much! Your article has been extremely helpful to me and I plan to use it going forward. I appreciate the time you have spent on doing this for helping others like me. Keep up the good work!" By A.M.
"Thank you for sharing such great information of the green card spouse application. It's really helpful. " By Kang H.
您好,我想買模板,但是點進去後一直顯示 not working?
請問您的Email是什麼? 您如果還是不能填寫,可以直接Email chenevy99@gmail.com 感謝!
刪除請問一下 [Find Your Filing Address] 是要填寫自己的地址嗎
回覆刪除只需要用小黑夾子夾起即可, 主要是移民局需要分開頁面放入機器掃描, 所以要能夠方便分開
刪除以下載好cover letter,請問『 Two Form G-1450 Credit Card Payments (On Top)』,是另外放在所有分類資料夾的外面嗎?我本來是打算各別放在不同的資料夾
回覆刪除我會建議你放在最上面喔! 因為移民局沒有看到費用是不會受理案件的,為了避免他們漏看, 最重要的放前面
刪除請問這清單是否適用美國公民未成年子女境內調整身份? 謝謝