誰是I-485綠卡申請的Petitioner, Applicant, Beneficiary?
在填寫G-1145電子通知表的時候, 我有一點不確定該用誰的名字。最後我決定統一使用申請人的名字, 如果你不確定誰是請願者, 申請人和受益人, 看看下面這個列表:誰是Principal Applicant?
如果你是這份I-485申請最主要的受益人, 你就是Principal Applicant。如果你有其他外籍的家人和你一起申請綠卡, 他們會被稱為Derivative Applicants。
Disclaimer: This article is for sharing personal experience only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice.
Disclaimer: This article is for sharing personal experience only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice.
感謝您的詳細分享,有兩點想請教1是不是面談後當場就知通過與否?2 配偶一起進去面談嗎?
回覆刪除1. Yes! They did tell us the answer but it doesn't happen to everyone.
刪除2. Yes.
你可以看看我的這篇文: https://diysimpleidea.blogspot.com/2019/07/diy-i-485-adjustment-of-status-part-ii.html